
Welcome speech from the Mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein


JATD 2021: 2nd International Congress on the Joint Action Theory in Didactics

Advocating the Reconstruction of the School Form of Education

June 29th - 30 th, 2021

NANCY (France)  -  Université de Lorraine

The second International Congress of the Joint Action Theory in Didactics (JATD) took place on line, hosted by LISEC with technical support from the University of Lorraine from June 29th to June 30th, 2021.

The Nancy congress intention was to question the JATD in the light of the current educational context, in particular, by pursuing a central theme: that of the reconstruction of the school form.

The TACD 2021 Congress gave place to 10 plenary conferences, five of which were broadcast live during the days, and five are made available on the conference website.

The workshops on June 29   were devoted to :

 1. The Central Concepts of the JATD - 5 workshops, 24 contributions - This first axis is an opportunity to work on the model notions developed within the theory (as a didactic science in movement. The aim will be to consider the relationship of the JATD to its own concepts, that is, to engage in relevant epistemic work necessary for the theory’s theoretical development

 2.  JATD Methods - 2 workshops, 10 contributions - This theme dealswith questions related to methodology films, ans addresses the new methodological territories of the JATD: their characteristics, their roles in the plurality of contexts of analysis, and how each aspect relates to the question of proof.

4. JATD and the Exploration of New Territories - 5 workshops, 31 contributions -The contributions intend to explore new territories, linking the JATD to the heart of current educational issues and the problems they address. The theory will be explored on a range of levels ( political, emotional, historical issues)

The workshops on June 29   were devoted to :

3. Joint Action between Professionals and Researchers - 8 workshops, 38 contributions - The Joint Action in didactics aims at a better understanding of teaching situations, as well as the improvement of classroom practice, by the implementation of cooperative engineerings (didactics or training), enabling joint work between professionals and researchers. This third axis ise an opportunity to review the scope of such engineerings .


 You can write your comments, reactions, testimonials about the 2021 Congress here



The 2nd JATD Congress, Nancy 2021, is over

See you on NOvember 7th, 8th and 9th, 2023

for the 3rd Congress "Cooperation and Designs based on Cooperation"



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The TACD 2021

Conference Proceedings

are now online!    


Key Speeches :

Henri-Louis Go et Frédérique-Marie Prot

Gérard Sensevy (video)

Yrjö Engeström

Didier Cariou, Carole Le Hénaff Maël Le Paven et Gérard Sensevy (video)

Eirick Prairat (video)

Alain Mercier (video)

  Appraisal and Prospects :

Alain Mercier and Andrée Tiberghien

 Questions to JADT :

Jean-Charles Chabanne (video)

 Michel Fabre (video)

Anke Wegner (video)


  Click here for details


Welcome speech from the Mayor of Nancy Mathieu Klein



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